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Pushing Daisies Season 2

Pushing Daisies Season 2
Pushing Daisies Season 2
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First episode date: 3 October 2007 (USA)
Writers: Bryan Fuller, Lisa Joy, Peter Ocko, Chad Gomez Creasey, MORE
Program creator: Bryan Fuller
Narrated by: Jim Dale
Genre: Comedy drama; Mystery; Fantasy


OVERVIEW – Pushing Daisies Season 2

By all accounts, ‘Pushing Daisies’, the whimsical series about mystery solving pie-maker making the dead come back to life, is not a series that should have even made it past the pilot episode, let alone to season 2. Shows this good just don’t last that long on network TV. It was one of the most original and quirky shows to come out in years. ‘Pushing Daisies’ was a visually striking series that took a cue from Tim Burton’s ‘Big Fish’ by setting its self in a hyper-realistic world of lush-color and cartoonish characters.

‘Pushing Daisies’ was a fresh new program that was not just critically praised, but it garnered a substantial fan-base that adored watching the ongoing adventures of the lovable pie-maker. As with all good things, ‘Pushing Daisies’ came to an untimely end, and became one of many casualties of the writer’s strike.

The second season was put on indefinite hiatus two months after the season 2 premier in November of 2008, with the un-aired episodes eventually being burned off in June of 2009. ABC’s cancellation of the show was not unexpected but it was one of many original shows canceled by the network in the last few years, illustrating how inept they are at knowing their audience.

As if a premature cancellation didn’t hurt the show enough, the narrative of the series was not as strong in the second season as it was in the first. Show-runner Bryan Fuller attempted not only more character development, but at the same time also sought to tell several season arching plots that started to convolute the character development and made the show increasingly unfriendly to new viewers. Plots such as Ned and Chuck’s respective fathers coming back into their lives (and back to life).

Olive becoming Emerson’s mystery solving partner, “Itty Bitty”, and Ned becoming concerned about the reliability of his powers were entertaining things to see unfold, but did clutter the show with too many new characters on the periphery and made a mess of the narrative.

The series got a tacked-on epilogue in it’s final episode that gave some closure for the characters of the series, but it was a lackluster close to a spectacular series. The adventures of the pie-maker and mystery solving friends will continue in comic book form later this year when Windstorm publishes the official continuation to the series, which is being overseen by ‘Pushing Daisies’ show creator, Bryan Fuller.

‘Pushing Daisies’ season 2 on DVD comes with all 12 episodes of the second season spread over 4 discs. The set comes packed into one DVD case that fits into a cardboard slipcover. The packaging for the slipcase features the typical promotional pictures you’ve probably seen for the show before, and the wrap-around art on the DVD case is designed to make it look like a slab of honeycomb. Overall the DVD design is good and is bright and stands out and will look nice next to season 1 on anyone’s DVD shelf.

Sadly, ‘Pushing Daises’ season 2 DVD is sorely lacking in extras and bonus content. There are no deleted scenes, or cast and crew commentaries for any of the 12 episodes. What is to be found is four “making of” featurettes that total to around 30 minutes altogether. Thankfully in this bonus-material lacking set, what little bit that is there is very here is worth checking out if you plan on purchasing the set.

Clocking in at 12 minutes, this is the longest of the featurettes and also the one most fans will probably want to watch. In this featurette we are given a glimpse into show creator Bryan Fuller’s creative process and how he relates to the characters he’s created.

Running about 5 minutes long, this feature focuses on the intricate make-up and effects used to construct the many odd and bizarre deaths that occur in the show. We are shown a detailed look at the fried egg, melted woman death from the episode “The Legend of Merle McQuade”. Unfortunately they use this one death as an example of the effects and don’t dive deeper into any of the other untimely ends that are met for people on the show.

This feature is what you expect it to be, a quick look into composer Jim Dooley’s scoring of the show, which one an Emmy and is a decent extra, but not all that interesting. I would have preferred an interview with the show’s narrator, Jim Dale.

CGI is not used heavily in the show, but it does come into play every now and again in season 2. This feature focuses primarily on the CGI used to create a rampaging rhino for the episode “”Window Dressed to Kill”, and does highlight other CGI creatures that were featured in the show.

As you can see those are not particularly in-depth extras for such a visually stunning show, and one in which people have come to love the characters. Any outtakes, or cast interviews would have really padded out this set nicely and made it more appealing to people who were on the fence about this becoming a buy or a rent.

‘Pushing Daisies’ is without a doubt one of my favorites. Additionally, it is the most original TV series of the last few years. The show’s aesthetics were unlike anything scene on network TV. Lee Pace, Anna Friel, Chi McBride and Kristin Chenoweth shared a unique onscreen chemistry and were a breath of fresh air to ABC’s predominantly stale programming schedule.

For more like Pushing Daisies Season 2, You Must Watch visit Yesmovies.

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