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Chuck Season 2

Chuck Season 2
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Runtime: 100 minutes
Rating: 8.9 out of 10
Genre: Documentary
Production Company: Warner Brothers Entertainment
Starring: Zachary Levi (Chuck), Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah), Joshua Gomez (Morgan), Adam Baldwin (John Casey)


OVERVIEW – Chuck Season 2

Everyone’s favorite nerd-turned-spy is available again on DVD with the deluxe six-disc season two box set. The season two set contains 22 episodes filled with action, hot scantily-clad women, and enough nerd culture references to make an eleven year old school girl giggle.

For those of you not familiar with the awesomeness that is Chuck, I highly recommend you take a trip to your local video store and rent the first season. Chuck is an employee at a Buy More (think Best Buy) who has found himself host to many government secrets when his best ex-friend Brice sends him a top secret e-mail. The CIA and NSA both send agents to watch over Chuck: Sarah, a beautiful women who seems to be falling in love with Chuck (and often enjoys wearing revealing clothing), and Casey, an action-loving grunt who strongly dislikes Chuck’s habit of screwing up missions.

The second season picks up where the first season left off, and expands on the indecisive romance between Chuck and Sarah, as well as Chuck’s relationship with several of the other main characters. Look forward to long-awaited answers to many questions and many pleasant plot twists, though some of them are predictable. Even so, the end of the second season will please viewers and surely leave them anticipating the third season of Chuck.

As far as the second season box set goes, it comes packed with some really awesome and funny special features in addition to deleted scenes and bloopers. The feature called “Chuck Versus the Webisodes” contains several promotional clips made for the internet that are very, very funny. If you’re a fan of Dr. Awesome, you’ll enjoy “A Real-Life Captain Awesome’s Tips for Being Awesome” in which Dr. Awesome provides the secrets to being… well, awesome. Agent Casey is also on the features list and is willing to share some not-so-common tips for viewers interested in becoming a super deadly spy.

There are also actor interviews in which each actor describes his or her character and the role he or she plays throughout the storyline of Chuck (many male viewers will likely be pleased to learn that Yvonne Strahovski, Sarah, has a very cute accent that’s not heard in the show itself). Finally, the season two set comes with a 3D episode on the last disc and two pairs of classic 3D glasses. It’s pretty neat watching a 3D episode on your own television, but because everything is very red/blue, the experience is probably something you will only watch once.

My recommendation: Personally, I have a hard time justifying the expensive cost of a season of pretty much any television series unless it’s something I watch religiously (Example: the way my grandmother watches The Price is Right) and plan on watching multiple times. However, Chuck is a very enjoyable program with likeable characters and witty humor. Chuck offers even more enjoyment to the “geek” subculture, and many viewers will find that several of the characters can easily be related to (minus the spy part). If you’re going to spend money on a television series, season two of Chuck is worth your money.

For more like Chuck Season 2, You Must Watch visit Yesmovies.

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