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10 Best Classic Movies in Cinema History

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OVERVIEW – Classic Movies

1. The Mauthausen Photographer (2018) 

Nominated for four Goya awards, this production by Mar Targarona recreates the setting of the Mauthausen concentration camp and relives the horror of the Holocaust during World War II. He does it to tell the story of Francesc Boix ( Mario Casas ), a Spaniard who lived through those horrors and helped, through the clandestine sending of photographs, to put a face to that historic moment that, years later and thanks to those negatives, would be brought to trial. 

 2. Elisa and Marcela (2019) 

Isabel Coixet tells in black and white the story of Elisa Sánchez and Marcela Gracia , two Galician women who became, in 1901, the first same-sex marriage in Spain. Obviously, they had to do it secretly and through cross-dressing, but her love was unique, and Natalia de Molina and Greta Fernández brought her to life in a dazzling way. Coixet’s is one of the best LGTBI movies that you can’t miss on Netflix .

 3. The Author (2017) 

Manuel Martín Cuenca adapts the novel by Javier Cercas about an aspiring writer who is willing to do anything to fulfill his dream. Even using the lives of his neighbors and playing with his feelings. Anything to create that perfect novel, to be the new Hemingway, to show his grumpy writing teacher that he has talent. Javier Gutiérrez is immense in the leading role of this film, in which comedy and the saddest pathos come face to face. 

4. Something Very Fat (2016)

 Very fat we do not know, but very funny without a doubt. The third feature film by Carlo Padial -one of the great representatives of Spanish post-humor- takes us to a stage submerged in the green of chroma to talk about cinema and art in general. Of artifice, of fiction and reality, of the profession of an actor in a medium in which almost everything is done by computer. A brilliant movie. 

5. The Invisible Guardian (2017)

 Dolores Redondo’s mystery trilogy could not be left without a film adaptation. Thank you Fernando Gonzalez Molina ! Detective Amaya Salazar’s story is so shocking that you won’t be able to wait to learn more about her: tasked with chasing a serial killer of girls, Salazar (Marta Etura) will have to return to her hometown, where she has traumatic childhood memories. An exciting story, with ‘fincherian’ overtones and feminine power. The shadows of the Baztán forest will leave you frozen.

6. The Bar (2017)

 This funny comedy by Alex de la Iglesia , with its always badass and violent point, locks up some of the best talents of our cinema in the same bar. The result can only be glorious: an adventure for survival in a moment of crisis where each character will slowly reveal his cards. 

7. Handia (2017) 

It was one of the most applauded movies of 2017, and it doesn’t surprise us. Jon Garano and Aitor Arregi direct this story about a giant in the Basque, and his journey around Spain both to earn a living in a hostile world that does not understand differences and, in the case of the protagonist, to accept himself . Based on true events, this is one of those emotional, hard and endearing stories that demonstrate the film power we have in this country.

 8. Sunday’s Sickness (2018)

 One of the best Spanish films of the year. Ramon Salazar writes and directs this mother-child story based on a past full of wrong decisions, abandonment and resentment and open wounds that still bleed. Bárbara Lennie and Susi Sánchez “face off” in this particular interpretative ‘tour de force’, from which both come out more than graceful. A movie that hits hard not to be forgotten. We hope it isn’t. 

9. The Man with a Thousand Faces (2016) 

Eduard Fernández deservedly won the Goya for Best Actor for his portrayal of the elusive Francisco Paesa, a former secret agent of the Spanish state, who was involved in some of the most controversial plots in our country. With this film, Alberto Rodríguez continues to confirm himself as one of our most talented filmmakers, and his is a thriller that will leave you speechless. 

10. The Call (2017) 

Still haven’t felt the call? What are you waiting for? It was a phenomenon on the stage as a stage musical, and it continues to be so now as a film product. Los Javis brings you the story of a young woman who does not stop dreaming of God singing to the rhythm of Whitney Houston , while feelings and the desire for freedom emerge around her. ‘The Call’ is also one of those movies that help you reconcile with musicals .

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